Wendi C. Smith Art
Wendi C. Smith Art
Art Without Boundaries Assoc. MnemeTherapist

Schedule of Fees and Services
What is a session of MnemeTherapy?
I will arrive 15 minutes early to your facility or home to set up supplies for the session. I will need a quiet area for this One-on-One session. I will also need access to a sink and a trash can. A session could last from 30 to 60 minutes depending upon how long it will take the individual to complete the process. We will engage the individual in a warm and comforting manner. MnemeTherapy consists of singing, movement, directed painting, storystelling and praise. I will bring all supplies needed. You will have a wonderful painting that is yours to keep and enjoy.

Private Pay Clients:
1 Hours Session Al la Carte $75.00
Monthly or Weekely Contracts $65.00
Note: Registration and billing of private pay clients in nursing homes, rehab, assisted living or schools, is dealt directly through Wendi. Custom contracts and rates are also available.
Corperate Accounts:
2 Hour Visit $150.00
3 Hour Visit $200.00
Weekly Contract
2 Hour Visit $125.00
Short-Term Accounts
Accounts out of my immediate territory, contack me for rates
(Transportation, Meals & Lodging expenses may apply depending upon location)
Note: During a two hour Corporate MnemeTherapy visit, we may see 2-4 clients. A three hour visit, 3-6 clients.
To schedule a MnemeTherapy session please contact me at:
Wendi C. SMith
508-367-1010 between 9am and 5pm
email: wendicsmith@comcast.net
Thank You